
姓 名周剑

职 称副教授
职 务
邮 箱jianzhou@hfut.edu.cn
电 话




[1]      精密玻璃模压成形理论与技术:模压成形表界面缺陷的形成机理与调控,非球面模压透镜成形质量预测与优化,玻璃黏弹性力学特性测试与表征。

[2]      摩擦学:碳涂层摩擦磨损,玻璃黏弹性摩擦

[3]      有限元仿真的应用:结构--流场耦合






[1]    国家自然科学基金,面上项目,黏附界面失稳引发精密模压玻璃表面空化缺陷的形成机制与抑制方法,2023-2027,在研。

[2]    国家自然科学基金,青年项目,玻璃热成形黏弹界面微观内聚断裂机制与调控,2020-2022,结题。

[3] 安徽省自然科学基金,面上项目,黏弹性摩擦对精密玻璃成形界面应力状态和流动性能的影响,2018-2021,结题。

[4] 437ccm·必赢国际,学术新人提升B计划,精密玻璃模压界面黏性耗散分离行为机理研究,2021-2022,结题。

[5] 企业委托,大型卧式成缆机关键结构件强度校核技术研发,2023/08-2023/1112万,结题。

[6] 企业委托,非球面玻璃透镜精密模压过程仿真技术,2021/06-2022/0642万,结题。


[1]      Jian Zhou*, Shihu Xiao, Baocheng Huang, Dongsheng Fang, Kun Liu. Accurate and efficient determination of glass thermo-viscoelastic properties using creep compliance master curve construction approach, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024, 631:122930

[2]      Jian Zhou*, Hongkun Xu, Chenyu Zhu, Lihua Li, Man Cheung Ng, Kun Liu. Characterization and growth mechanisms of adhesion‐induced microcavities during debonding of softened glass, International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2022, 13(4):629-644.

[3]      Jian Zhou*, Hongkun Xu, Chenyu Zhu, Bin Wang, Kun Liu*. Comparisons Between 2D and 3D MPFEM Simulations in Modeling Uniaxial High Velocity Compaction Behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V Powder, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2022, 67(1):57-65.

[4]      Jian Zhou*, Zhu Chenyu, Li Lihua*, Man Cheung Ng, Kun Liu. Temperature and rate dependent debonding behaviors of precision glass molding interface. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2021(104): 243-255.

[5]      Jian Zhou*, Hongkun Xu, Chenyu Zhu, Wentao Ai, Xiaojun Liu, Kun Liu*. High-temperature friction characteristics of N-BK7 glass and their correlation with viscoelastic loss modulus. Ceramics International, 2021(47): 21414-21424.

[6]      Lihua Li, Jian Zhou*. Evaluation of Warpage and Residual Stress of Precision Glass Micro-Optics Heated by Carbide-Bonded Graphene Coating in Hot Embossing Process. Nanomaterials, 2021(11):363.

[7]      Jian Zhou*, Chenyu Zhu, Wei Zhang, Liu Kun*. Experimental and 3D MPFEM simulation on the green density of Ti-6Al-4V powder compact during uniaxial high velocity compaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020 (817):153226.

[8]      Jian Zhou, Lihua Li*, MC Ng, WB Lee. Effect of molding machine’s stiffness on the thickness of molded glass rings. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2019 (10):584-597.

[9]      Jian Zhou, Jianfeng Yu, LJ Lee, Lianguan Shen, Allen Yi*. Stress relaxation and refractive index change of As2S3 in compression molding. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2017 (8):255-265.

[10]  Jian Zhou, Lihua Li*, Feng Gong, Kun Liu. Quality dependence study on dimensions for plano‐concave molded glass lenses. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 2017 (8):266-275.

[11]  周剑*,徐宏坤,刘焜. 基于微观孔隙演变的Ti-6Al-4V粉末高速压制致密化机理研究,机械工程学报,2024.

[12]  王彬,周剑*,祝宸宇,李莉华,叶家鑫,刘小君,刘焜. 多层碳键联石墨烯涂层的宏观摩擦磨损特性,中国表面工程,202235(6):161-170.

[13]  周剑,艾文涛,叶家鑫,刘焜. 一种石墨烯涂层快速加热的线性往复高温摩擦试验机,2022-10-112039-11-07,中国,ZL201911082544.6.

[14]  周剑,徐宏坤,祝宸宇,刘焜.一种预测金属粉末高速压制成形性能的三维多颗粒有限元仿真方法,中国,CN202111545731.0.

[15]  周剑,黄保成,肖时虎,方东升,刘焜. 基于蠕变柔度主曲线的玻璃黏弹性力学参数的推导方法,中国,CN 202410326467.9

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