
姓 名  魏培

职 称   副研究员
职 务
所属系 智能制造工程系
邮 箱 peiwei@hfut.edu.cn
电 话

魏培,博士,副研究员/硕士生导师。20186月博士毕业于西安交通大学,专业机械工程,研究方向:金属激光增材制造;20186月年月入职西安交通大学任助理教授,同时任职于国家增材制造创新中心,研究方向:金属高能束增材制造;20226月进入437ccm·必赢国际工作,从事增材制造相关教学与科研工作。主要开展了金属增材制造技术的材料研发、成形工艺及多尺度多物理场数值仿真等技术研究,主持并参与了中国博士后科学基金面上项目、国防“973”、科技部重点研发计划、军委军工委、国家重点实验室开放基金、广东省科技发展专项资金等项目,研究成果在Materials Science and Engineering AJournal of Alloys and CompoundsMaterials CharacterizationApplied Surface ScienceComputational Materials Science等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,申请发明专利10余项;担任Materials Science and Engineering AMetallurgical and Materials Transactions ARapid Prototyping JournalApplied Physics A等期刊审稿人。





















[1] Wei Pei, Chen Zhen, Zhang Shuzhe, et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene and nano-zirconia reinforced AlSi10Mg composite fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023: 144574. (SCI)

[2]Zhang Shuzhe, Wei, Pei, Chen Zhen, Li Bobo, Huang Ke, Zou Yatong, Lu BinghengGraphene/ZrO2/aluminum alloy composite with enhanced strength and ductility fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Alloy and Compounds,2022, 910:164941. (SCI,共同一作)

[3] Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, Chen Hanfeng, Chen Xinggang, Ruan Yi, Zhou Wenzheng, Lu Sujun, Laser Powder Bed Fusion of K418 Superalloy: Process, Microstructure, Texture Feature, and Mechanical Property. Metals, 2022, 12(4):611. (SCI)

[4] Zhang Shuzhe, Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, Liu Wenjie, Zou Yatong, Lei Yunpei, Yao Sen,Zhang Siwei, Lu Bingheng, Zhang Lijuan, Wear properties of graphene/zirconia biphase nano-reinforced aluminium matrix composites prepared by SLM. Materials Today Communications, 2022, 30: 103009. (SCI)

[5] Zhang Shuzhe, Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, Huang Ke, Zou Yatong,Yao Sen, Li Min, Lu Bingheng, Xing Jiandong, Microstructure and properties of a nano-ZrO2-reinforced AlSi10Mg matrix composite prepared by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2022, 838(-): 142792. (SCI)

[6] Pei Wei, Zhen Chen, Shuzhe Zhang. Xuewei Fang, Bingheng Lu, Lijuan Zhang, Zhengying Wei, Effect of T6 heat treatment on the surface tribological and corrosion properties ofAlSi10Mg samples produced by selective laser melting, Materials Characterization, 2021, 171:110769. (SCI)

[7] Zhang Shuzhe, Lei Yunpei, Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, Lu Bingheng, Effect of laser energy density on the microstructure andtexture evolution of hastelloy-x alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Materials, 2021, 14(15), 4305. (SCI)

[8] Chen Zhen, Wei Pei et al. Graphene reinforced nickel-based superalloy composites fabricated by additive manufacturing. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 769:138484  (SCI,共同一作)

[9] Zhao Guangxi, Wei Zhengying, Du Jun,Wei Pei, Numerical Research on Ti-6Al-4V Strengthening Process by Laser Melt Injection of ZrO2 Particles. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2020, 49(6): 1879-1884. (SCI)

[10] Haihua Wu, Junfeng Li, Zhengying Wei, Pei Wei, Effect of processing parameters on forming defects during selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg powder. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2020, 26(5):871-879. (SCI)

[11] Wei Pei, Wei Zhengying, Chen Zhen, Du Jun, He Yuyang, Li Junfeng, Fundamentals of radiation heat transfer in AlSi10Mg powder bed during selective laser melting. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019, 25(9):1506-1515. (SCI)

[12] Yang Xigang, Zhou Yun, Xi Shengqi, Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, He Cheng, Li Tongtong, Gao Yuan, Wu Hongjing, Additively manufactured fine grained Ni6Cr4WFe9Ti high entropy alloys with high strength and ductility. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 767: 138394.(SCI)

[13] Yang Xigang, Zhou Yun, Xi,Shengqi, Chen Zhen, Wei Pei, He Cheng, Li Tongtong, Gao Yuan, Wu Hongjing, Grain-anisotropied high-strength Ni6Cr4WFe9Ti high entropy alloys with outstanding tensile ductility. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 767(1): 138382. (SCI)

[14] Chen Zhen, Xiang Yu, Wei Zhengying, Wei Pei, Lu Bingheng, Zhang Lijuan, Du Jun, Thermal dynamic behavior during selective laser melting of K418 superalloy: numerical simulation and experimental verification. Applied Physics A, 2018, 124(4): 313. (SCI)

[15] Chen Zhen, Chen Shenggui, Wei Zhengying, Zhang Lijuan, Wei Pei, Lu Bingheng, Zhang Shuzhe, Xiang Yu, Anisotropy of nickel-based superalloy K418 fabricated by selective laser melting. Progress in Natural Science:Materials International , 2018, 28(4): 496-504. (SCI)

[16] Xiang Yu, Zhang Shuzhe, Wei Zhengying, Li Junfeng, Wei Pei, Chen Zhen, Yang Lixiang, Jiang Lihao, Forming and defect analysis for single track scanning in selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V. Applied Physics A, 2018, 124(10): 685. (SCI)

[17] 耿汝伟,杜军,魏正英,魏培,金属增材制造中微观组织相场法模拟研究进展.材料导报,2018, 32(7):7. (EI)

[18] 向羽,刘彬,张树哲,李俊峰,魏培,魏正英,阵结构空气舵及内部流体热流固耦合研究.宇航总体技术,2018, 2(6):9.(EI)

[19] Wei Pei, Wei Zhengying, Chen Zhen, Du Jun, He Yuyang, Li Junfeng, Zhou YatongThe AlSi10Mg samples produced by selective laser melting: single track, densification, microstructure and mechanical behavior. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 408:38-50. (SCI)

[20] Wei Pei, Wei Zhengying , Chen Zhen, Du Jun, He Yuyang, Li Junfeng, Zhou Yatong, Numerical Simulation and Parametric Analysis of Selective Laser Melting Process of AlSi10Mg Powder. Applied Physics A, 2017, 123(8):540. (SCI)

[21] Wei Pei, Wei Zhengying, Chen Zhen, He Yuyang, Du Jun. Thermal behavior in single track during selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg powder. Applied Physics A, 2017, 123(9):604. (SCI)

[22] Chen Zhen, Wei Zhengying, Wei Pei, Chen Shenggui, Lu Bingheng, Du Jun, Li Junfeng,Zhang Shuzhe, Experimental Research on Selective Laser Melting AlSi10Mg Alloys: Process, Densification and Performance. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(12): 5897-5905. (SCI)

[23] Li Suli, Wei Zhengying, Du Jun, Wei Pei, Lu Bingheng, A Numerical Analysis on the Metal Droplets Impacting and Spreading out on the Substrate. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2017, 46(4): 893-898.(SCI)

[24] Pei Wei, Zhengying Wei, Guangxi Zhao, Y. Bai. Flow characteristic of in‑flight particles in supersonic plasmas praying process. Heat and mass transfer. 2016, 52(9):1739-1753.(SCI)

[25] Pei Wei, Zhengying Wei, Guangxi Zhao, Y. Bai, Optimal Design of Nozzle for Supersonic Atmosphere Plasma Spraying. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2016, 35(7):685-696.(SCI)

[26] Pei Wei, Zhengying Wei, Guangxi Zhao, Y. Bai, Chao Tan. Effect of processing parameters on plasma jet and in-flight particles characters in supersonic plasma spraying. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2016, 35(8):775-786.(SCI)

[27] 谭超,魏正英,魏培,刘伯林,韩志海,超声速等离子喷涂颗粒加热熔化与细化过程分析.推进技术,2016,37(05):930-936.(EI)

[28] Wei Pei, Wei Zhengying, Zhao Guangxi, Du Jun, Bai Y., The analysis of melting and refining process for in-flight particles in supersonic plasma spraying, Computational Materials Science, 2015, 103:8–19. (SCI)

[29] Li SuLi, Wei ZhengYing, Du Jun, Wei Pei, Hou ZuoXian, Lu BingHeng, The fusion process of successive droplets impinging onto a substrate surface. Applied Physics A, 2015, 120(1): 35-42. (SCI)

[30] 谭超,魏正英,魏培,李本强,韩志海,内送粉超声速等离子喷涂流场特性分析.推进技术, 2015, (01): 30-36. (EI)

[31] Pei Wei, Zhengying Wei, Suli Li, Chao Tan, Jun Du. Splat formation during plasma spraying for 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia droplets impacting on stainless steel substrate, Applied Surface Science2014, 321:538-547. (SCI)



[1] 魏培, GNPs/K418纳米复合材料SLM成形及强韧化, 2018中国(无锡)石墨烯创新发展大会, 江苏无锡, 2018-9-282018-9-30 (特邀报告)

[2] 魏培,邹亚桐,魏正英, 不锈钢17-4Ph激光选区熔化成形中残余应力分析. 航天六院首届增材制造技术交流研讨会,中国西安,中国航天科技集团公司第六研究院, 2017-12-282017-12-28. (会议报告,优秀会议论文)

[3] 魏培,Effect of T6 heat treatment on the microstructure and corrosion properties of the AlSi10Mg sample produced by selective laser melting. 第十六届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会, 天津, 天津大学, 2017-10-132017-10-16 (会议报告)

[4] Wei Pei, Thermal behavior in double layers and tracks during selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg alloy. ICCHM2T, Republic of Korea, Seoul, 2017-05-282017-06-1.(会议报告)



[1] 陈祯,魏培,张树哲,卢秉恒等.一种应用于增材制造的气氛保护装置, CN201811564387.8

[2] 陈祯,魏培,张树哲等.一种石墨烯合金纳米复合材料制备方法和SLM成形工艺, CN201811557886.4

[3] 陈祯,魏培,张树哲等.一种多能场增材制造成形系统, CN201811564118.1

[4] 张树哲,陈祯,魏培等.一种用于金属激光选区熔化成形工艺的扫描方法, CN201811416096.4

[5] 邹亚桐,陈祯,张树哲,魏培等.一种增材制造设备成形缸结构及成型方法,CN201910294319.2

[6] 陈祯,邹亚桐,张树哲,魏培等.一种多工位环形铺粉激光选区熔化成型设备,CN201811231332.5

[7] 陈祯,杨喜刚,张树哲,魏培等.一种高强韧高熵合金及其制备方法,CN201811408539.5

[8] 卢秉恒,陈祯,张丽娟,魏培等,一种增材制造动态铺粉系统,CN201811563473.7

[9] 卢秉恒,陈祯,邹亚桐,张树哲,魏培等.一种环形连续铺粉结构及增材制造成形设备. PCT/CN2019/115794 (国际专利)

[10] 陈祯,韦继翀,卢秉恒,刘邹亚桐,张树哲,魏培等.一种增材制造装置及方法. PCT/CN2019/107621. (国际专利)

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